This personal project was inspired by articles in Yale Environment 360, Los Angeles Times and The Conversation. As an artist, I am concerned with the proliferation of generative AI and its impact on my craft. However, what is more concerning is this technology's impact on the environment.
"Every time someone uses ChatGPT to write an essay, create an image or advise them on planning their day, the environment pays a price" Los Angeles Times
"A.I. use is directly responsible for carbon emissions from non-renewable electricity and for the consumption of millions of gallons of fresh water, and it indirectly boosts impacts from building and maintaining the power-hungry equipment on which A.I. runs" – Yale Environment 360
"Microsoft has significant investments in AI, with a large stake in ChatGPT-maker OpenAI as well as its own Copilot applications for Windows. Between 2020 and 2023, Microsoft’s disclosed annual emissions increased by around 40%" – The Conversation
Read these articles. Spread the word. Demand transparency and accountability.

Thank You!